Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream – Recipe

Last night I made Reeses peanut butter cup ice cream, from the Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book, which is great. The ice cream tasted just like Ben & Jerry’s, only better. It’s very rich, perfectly frozen (i.e. neither too soft or too hard, and not in the least icy) and in the words of my 7yo, Mika, “the best ice cream you’ve ever made”.

So here is the recipe. I used an egg beater to whisk everything, easier than a whisk and it gave it the right consistency. I used slightly less than the 3/4 cup of sugar, regular whipping cream, 1% milk and organic salted smooth peanut butter.

  • 2 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup smooth natural peanut butter
  • 8 Reeses peanut butter cups, chopped into largish bites

Whisk the eggs until light and frothy. Add the sugar slowly, whisking constantly to incorporate. Add the whipping cream and milk and whisk until smooth. Pour 1 cup of the mixture into a separate bowl and add the peanut butter to that bowl. Mix well and pour peanut butter mixture into the cream mixture. Whisk in until fully incorporated.
Freeze mixture in your ice cream maker as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Two minutes before the ice cream is due to be done add the peanut butter cup pieces.
Pour into a tupperware or similar container and freeze until hard (it should take about 5-6 hours).

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  1. elvira sierra

    I ate at Ana Rosa restaurant ( el novillo) and the food is excelent and fresh, sorry that u have a bad experience, but wow a hole page talking about her restaurant you must be into the competition business, and you just want to give her a bad rep. that is my opinion

  2. Marga Lacabe

    You may want to post your comment under my review of Ana Rosa’s: AFAIK, Ana Rosa doesn’t serve homemade Ben & Jerry’s ice cream 🙂

  3. michael kambas

    wow, excellent recipe, Marga (as was your chunky monkey too!). you got rave reviews from all my family!
    that is i cooked the eggs, which always makes for tastier and softer ice cream (thx to the yolk lecithin).
    a risky business in general, and for pregnant women or special-needs groups in particular.
    however, if other readers share my concerns too, there are plenty of options to safely enjoy this or any other raw-egg recipe (e.g. tiramisu):
    -follow the FDA recommendation and heat the eggs with the cream to 160 F
    -follow the instructions for the “premium vanilla ice cream” recipe listed in most I/C maker manuals or other online cooked vanilla i/c recipes
    -follow Ben&Jerry’s recommendations listed in their website’s FAQs
    – use pasteurized eggs (that’s what B&J do)
    – substitute any vanilla custard recipe for the same amount of eggs (lacks the lecithin emulcifier/stabilizer)
    – substitute mayonnaise for the same egg amount
    whichever option you choose, the result is guaranteed to excite your taste buds!
    good luck!

    • Fran

      I’ve stayed away from this book also, due to the raw eggs. Also, it is very rare to use the whole egg. I mostly use “perfect Scoop” by David Leibovitz. He has a PB ice cream that uses no eggs, that’s really easy. I’m gonna try this one, but just do the 2 yolks, and cook them. I’ll let you know. My husband favorite ice cream of all time was Tuskagee chunk from B&J, and they stopped making it.

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