Was there a Prings in Hayward?

A reader asks whether someone can confirm that there was a Prings satellite restaurant in Hayward (on Mission, near Cal State) in 1965. If you can confirm, please let me know (marga@lacabe.com. Thanks!

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  1. Marga

    Today I got confirmation that there indeed was a Pring’s in Hayward. This was the address:
    Pring’s Coffee Shops
    24895 Mission Blvd
    Hayward, CA
    established in 1951

    • Ron

      Prings on Mission which was the continuation of East 14th St, was the beginning of what was known as the Strip. On Fridays and Saturday nights teen and others would gather to meet those of the opposite sex and race their cars. At the end of the Hayward Strip was a Hamburger joint whose name I don’t recall at this time. There was a freeway close by this place where sometimes a CHP would come in early in the morning and take the more experienced drivers and run them an 1/8 th of a mile, he lost more than he won.

  2. Susan

    #1. Did Valerie Jean Pring of San Leandro ever have anything to do with the Prings Coffee Shop that closed in early 2003 at 15015 E. 14th St. in San Leandro, CA? Does anyone know the EXACT date of their last day of buisness, &/or the exact or approximate date of their first day of buisness?
    #2. Did Valerie Jean Pring of San Leandro ever have anything to do with the Pring’s Coffee Shops at 24895 Mission Blvd in Hayward, CA? Does anyone know the exact or approximate date of their last day of buisness?
    #3. Does anyone know of any relation between Laurence [or Lawrence] & Delores Pring who used to own Pring’s Doughnut Shop on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley about 8 blocks south of U.C. & Valerie Jean Pring of San Leandro &/or with the Prings buisnesses in San Leandro &/or Hayward?

  3. Dawnya Pring


    I’m not sure if these posts still need answers. I decided to google my grandfather’s restaurant on a whim and these posts appeared. There was a Pring’s in Hayward that my grandfather John Pring started and owned for awhile and it was in 1965 along with the restaurant in San Leandro. I do not believe that Valerie Jean Pring is related to my family, I do believe that my great uncle Lory had a donut shop in Berkeley where the family is originally from.

    • Melissa Sant

      My grandmother was a chef here for 30 years. Would love any old photos if you have any of the restaurant and or staff photos

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