I just came back from Grocery Outlet very excited at what I thought was a /great/ bargain. A twin pack of 26oz jars of Smuckers Natural Creamy Peanut Butter
for $4. This stuff is just peanuts and salt, so the price was really unbelievable. Too good to be true, indeed.
And it was. The plastic wrap around the twin jars blocked the expiration date, which, as I discovered when I got home, is only 3 days from today. Three whole days to consume over 3lbs of peanut butter. I don’t think I could even if I tried 🙂
So I returned it, which is not /too/ big a deal as Grocery Outlet is just across the street from me – but it could be a bigger hassle for other people. As I’ve said before, I love Grocery Outlet and the people who run it, and I do realize that they play the expiration-date game, but really, they shouldn’t sell things unless 1) the expiration dates are clearly shown outside the packages and 2) these expiration dates are more than a couple of days away.
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