I have owned several kitchen timers over my 20+ years cooking, but none have lasted very long. Now this may be because invariably I’ve bought the cheap kind, or it may be because timers today are not made that well.
For the last couple of years, though, I’ve been using my grandmothers old Magic Chef timer – which I would guess (by the style and my grandmother’s last trip from Argentina to America, where she bought it) dates from the 50’s or 60’s, for the last couple of years and I love it. It works perfectly every time, it runs neither quick or slow and it doesn’t stop. It has a loud but not annoying ring and I’m just happy with it.
The kitchen timer is not in the best condition. It’s rusted in the back and the front plate is sort of lose. It’s lasted 50 years and I hope it’ll last a couple of more decades. I hope.
I was reluctant to use the timer at first, just as I am reluctant to use any of my grandmother’s kitchen utensils. I brought them with me from Argentina after my adored aunt Gladys died because of the emotional attachment I had to them. I grew up seeing Granny and Gladys cook and bake with them, and when I look at them (the utensils) I can feel the warmth of their kitchen, and remember those sweet moments. But there is some sweetness in using the utensils, it’s almost like maintaining the connection between Granny and Gladys and I. So for the time being at least, I’ll continue using my timer.
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