Perfect Blend Instant Mashed Potato Flakes – Review

The other day I made Wine Braised Short Ribs with Mixed Herb Gremolata for dinner (they were delicious, btw, and I plan to copy the recipe to this blog). They were supposed to be served with Gorgonzola polenta, and while I remembered to buy the Gorgonzola, I didn’t realize until the last possible moment that I had forgotten the polenta. AND, I didn’t have any starches at home. I wanted a starch to soak in all the delicious braising liquid (and delicious it was). I was in a bind.
So I hurried to Grocery Outlet, across the street, with the dim hope of finding some polenta, or at least another quick-cooking starch. These boxed mashed potatoes were the best that I could do. And lord, were they bad – so bad even the kids (no gourmets and not very picky) thought they sucked. In reality, they tasted just like the cardboard box. I don’t really understand why – but they really were inedible.
So hearken me, and avoid them at all costs.

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