Top-sirloin is on sale at Safeway, but I don’t find this cut (or most Safeway meat) tasty enough to eat by itself (though normally I prefer my steaks with just some salt and some bread to soak in the juices) – so I made this recipe. I’m pretty sure I’ve made it before, but I couldn’t find any mention of it on my archives. In any case, the sauce was very good and this is a recipe worth making again.
I used Malbec instead of Merlot. My philosophy is to use whatever wine I have already open or, in this case, whichever wine I want to drink with dinner. I never pay attention to what varietal it is.
This recipe is for two people – but it produces enough sauce for four, so if you double the amount of meat you cook, don’t double the ingredients for the sauce.
I served the steaks with buttermilk mashed potatoes and peas. The kids mostly ate the mashed potatoes and peas, but they are not great meat eaters.
Marga’s Best Recipes

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