Rosenborg Danish Blue cheese @ Grocery Outlet

Rosenborg Danish Blue cheeseGrocery Outlet in San Leandro is currently selling Rosenborg Danish Blue Cheese at the unbelievable price of $2lb. Really, I’m not kidding. The same cheese sells at amazon fresh for $13lb.
Best of all, the cheese is actually very good. It is creamy (when @ room temperature), with a smooth blue cheese flavor, not too bitter and with perhaps a hint of sweetness. We all loved it, and it as fantastic in a Blue Cheese and Caramelized-Onion Squares recipe.
The cheese that they had today had been packed on 1/3-1/7 and had a “sell by” date of 1/15th.

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  1. Susan Kirkland

    Marga–We have Grocery Outlets here in NC, too. Aren’t they too good to be true? Ours now has a meat department and I found a whole cryovac packaged fillet of beef [6.69 lbs.] for $15! There’s nothing better than a quick trip to the GO for a mood lifter. Right now, I’m looking for Rosenborg Danish Blue Cheese in Oil, which I have been only able to find at GO. A friend of mine in OH has a passion for it. Great blog; keep up the good shopping.

  2. Michelle

    I found it….Go to

    I Love this but it is so hard to find!

    • M

      No longer there

  3. sandy fowler

    where can I find rosenborg blue in oil in central WI or be able to order, I can not find it here anymore used to get in minoqua, but no longer carry. Please advise

  4. Madonna

    Years ago I used to get the jars of blue cheese…it was amazing…I can’t find it anywhere in the Redding area at all.
    Can’t you find a distributor here that can introduce here again..also I see the Grocery Outlet in San Leandro Ca. Carries it…we have a G O here…can you distribute to them here…pppppplease.

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