Mystery Meet is a very cool concept for anyone interested in trying new restaurants and meeting new people.  The organizer picks a restaurant and makes reservations for a large party (around 20-40, I think) for an off-night (2nd Tuesday of the month).  The restaurant will prepare a set-menu for a set-price and diners buy tickets for the event.  The mystery is that you won’t know when you buy your tickets which restaurant it is.  You get clues, but the identity of the restaurant will only be revealed a day or two before the dinner.

Mystery Meet is the brainchild of Seth Resler, a social media marketing professional who has recently relocated from Boston to SF.  He’s been running MM in Boston for about a year, attracting local foodies and bloggers, and the accounts of the meals I’ve read have been very positive.  There is no info on the site about the price, but meals in Boston were about $40-$50 per person (plus drinks, and perhaps tax/tip?).  Tickets go on sale a week before the dinner.

The first Mystery Meet in SF will be on Tuesday, July 12th.  To buy tickets, you need to first register online, you will get an e-mail with the link when the tickets go on sale.  I think this sounds like a lot of fun and will try to make it (provided the ticket costs are reasonable :-).

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