Five new cookbooks!

Today was the bi-annual library sale at the San Leandro library.  As usual, I got there early and headed straight to the cookbook section.  It’s been a while since I was able to get a really good book, but pretty much all my collection of ethnic cookbooks comes from there.  I tried not to buy too many books this time, because I really have nowhere to put them.  This is what I got:

Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book.  I already have this book, and I LOVE this book, but my copy is all dirty and messed up from years of use.  The one I found at the library is practically new. It was a birthday gift to someone who was to use it as a menu for other people to make her ice cream.  I know because the note explaining that is still in the book 🙂

How To Cook Everything: Simple Recipes for Great Food.  Another book that doesn’t seem to have been used by its previous owner.  Understandable, this is the type of book a beginner cook would gravitate towards, and then realize they don’t want to cook after all.

A Taste of Provence: Classic Recipes from the South of France. I’ll never get to the “Ps” on my international food project, but I can hope.

Flavours of Hungary.  I do have a chance of one day reaching the “Hs”, I believe.

Art of Lithuanian Cooking. And if I reach the “Hs”, why not the “Ls”?  Plus I had a dear friend in college whose parents were Lithuanian. Dahlia, if you ever see this blog posting, e-mail me!.

And that’s it.  Not bad for 5 bucks. 🙂


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