Raymundo’s Caramel Flan – Product Review

I got this at Grocery Outlet last week.  The 21 oz package was on sale for about $2, I think.  Its first ingredients were milk and sugar so I thought it was worth trying.  It wasn’t bad but I wouldn’t but it again.

I found the flan both a bit insipid and too smooth for my taste.  I prefer flans that are a bit rougher, with air bubbles throughout.  I assume this is because this flan is made with whole eggs, but I imagine the fillers don’t help either.


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  1. James L. Smith

    we like your product, until we got a 6 pack of which 2 were moldy. They were stuck in the box and leaked .They were no good and fed them to the trash . We will still buy them but will make sure they were not stuck to the box; the number 0 3345605008 4 Have a good day.

  2. Kathy dean

    I love your product but the cups are too thin. Twice I’ve bought the six pack and more than one of the cups is cracked and leaking. They need to be sturdier

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