Gabonese & Greek Menus Up

No, I have not forgotten my international food project, though I always progress much slower than I want to.  I’ve cooked dishes from a 133 cuisines so far, and I’m still only a little into the “G”.  Still, I have now finished two more “G” cuisines.

My Gabonese menu features recipe for fish in peanut sauce, chicken in palmnut sauce and a great recipe for baked bananas.

My Greek entry has recipes for pastitsio, chicken, beef stew and a custard pie.

One of the reasons for my slow advance in the Gs is that even as I go ahead with this project, I discover cuisines I have ignored from earlier in the alphabet.  A few months ago, I bought a great cookbook, Copeland Mark’s Sephardic Cooking, at a library sale and now I have a plethora of cuisines from the Jewish diaspora to explore.  I may skip those that are too close to the host cuisine for notice, but some of these Jewish cuisines do represent the merging of multiple traditions and they merit a real exploration.  I’m currently working on dishes from the Baghdadi Jewish community in Calcutta and the Bene Israel in Bombay.


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