Rating: 8/10

With the rush of the holidays, I’m running very behind on my meal kit reviews – but I haven’t stopped getting them.  My second week of Gobble, however, was a mistake.  I somehow had neglected to skip it for the first week of December so I got stuck with 3 kits that I didn’t choose.  Given that Gobble costs $79 for a 3-kit box, that was a costly mistake.  Fortunately, I had a $15 credit because of the mistake they made in my previous box, so it made getting this box more “palatable”.

I was also lucky that the three meals Gobble chose for me werethings that I would have ordered myself – and they were all quite good.

My favorite thing about Gobble is how quick and easy it is to prepare its meals.  They send as many pre-sliced and pre-cooked elements as they can without compromising quality, and this kit for Curried Beef Bowl with Basmati Rice & Mini Samosas was no exception.  The tiny samosas came pre-cooked, so all I had to do was heat them up.  They were very good and not too spicy.  We often get fresh samosas from one of our local Indian food stores, so I don’t say this lightly.

The main meal was simple to put together.  The rice came pre-cooked, and all I had to do was heat it in the microwave.  Gobble sends a very tasty precooked rice, which tastes even better than the one I make.  The meat was quickly sauteed on a pan, to which I added the curry powder, the pre-roasted carrots and peas, a pre-mixed garlic/ginger/scallion confit and chicken broth.

The results were great!  It was a very tasty meal and both my husband and I enjoyed it.  At $21, it was equivalent in price to the cost, before tax and tip, of take out – though, of course, we didn’t get leftovers as we do when we order out.  Alas, the whole meal was ready much quicker than it would take to get a restaurant meal delivered.

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