Trader Joe’s Tortilla Española Review

A complete failure

The first trip Mike and I took after we were married was to Spain, and decades later I still hold fond memories of those amazing tortillas. They were cheap, filling and so delicious. I was thus pretty excited when I found this Tortilla Española at Trader Joe’s – only to become immediately disappointed after trying it.

The tortilla was too eggy and too dry – despite the fact that it did feel oily. The onions, if they were there, managed to provide no flavor whatsoever. It was just a dense, unappealing, flavorless mess. It may very well be that this is not a dish that freezes well and that its appeal is on it being freshly cooked. In any case, this should be avoided at all costs.

I threw out most of it. TJ’s sells this for $5.50.

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1 Comment

  1. George

    I agree in that i was also disappointed. I thought it had too much potato in it and not enough egg. Whatever, it is it is disappointing in comparjson wjth what i remember as the delicious tortillas in spain.

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