Dining in DC: Notes from a Week in the Capital
Where we felt like St. Francis of Assis
After a morning exploring the magnificent National Museum of African Art and the National Mall, we were hungry, but he options for food in the area are extremely poor. We thus decided to stop at the refreshment kiosk in front of the National Museum of Natural History, our next destination. This is one of several refreshment kiosks at the Mall – all, I’m assuming, offering the same menu.
I knew the food was going to be expensive, but even I was shocked. A hot dog – a miserly hot dog – was $18! The other food had equally outrageous prices. I did notice, however, that the funnel cake was reasonable. I don’t remember exactly how much it was, but I think around $6.50. Now, we are just talking about fried dough here, dusted with powdered sugar, but at that moment it hit the spot. The funnel cake was actually quite tasty and large enough for all of us to share.
It turned out that we weren’t the only ones that liked funnel cake. As soon as we sat down, we started getting visitors at our table, and more and more came once we brought the cake to our table. It’s clear that these birds are used to being fed by humans. I totally get the appeal for them in winter, when I imagine food is hard to find.
One squirrel was particularly aggressive. Though I didn’t get any action pictures of the little rascal, he tried to grab the whole funnel cake off the plate, and even climb on Mike as he was eating a piece.
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