Sabino’s Coffee – San Leandro

I have lived in San Leandro for over a decade, and yet I’d never gone to Sabino’s Cofee – even though it’s a San Leandro institution.  This is not terribly  surprising, it’s not within walking distance of my house and I do spend too much time at Zocalo as it is.  I love Zocalo, but it’s not always the best place to go when you want to have a private conversation as you are bound to run into someone you know.  So, when Aamani and I got together this morning for some girl talk, I suggested we give Sabino’s a try instead.  It was a great choice.

Sabino’s is a super small cafe on MacArthur Ave. It has a tiny sitting room around the bar area, and a simple small patio on back.  That’s where we headed on this beautiful spring morning.  We sipped our very good caramel lattes ($3.50 for a double) and relaxed and talked for a couple of hours with no disturbances at all.  It was heaven.

I will definitely be coming here again.

Sabino’s Coffee
1273 MacArthur Blvd.
San Leandro, CA
(510) 357-5282

M-F 6 AM – 7 PM

Sa-Su 6:30 AM – 6 PM

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