Rabbit with mustard sauce

During my trip to Rockridge earlier this week I picked up some rabbit at Enzo’s Meat and Poultry shop. It was then time to look for a recipe, and as usual Epicurious came to the rescue. Even though I now own a gazillon cookbooks, I often resort to Epicurious as their recipes are user-reviewed and this one for Rabbit with Mustard Sauce got good reviews.
It was great. The rabbit itself wasn’t that wonderful – but then again, I seldom find rabbit meat to be that flavorful by itself – but the sauce was delicious. It was also fairly simple to make and calls for few ingredients. I think next time I’ll make it with chicken instead, however – and I’ll definitely make it again!

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1 Comment

  1. matt 4 skylar

    looking for good rabbit recipies,
    contact me and I can print them for skylar,

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