Entally sausage?

A reader writes telling me that Entally sausage “is the best sausage ever to come out of Calcutta, India” and asking me for the recipe. I’ve never even heard of it – but if you have, please e-mail me!

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  1. Natalie Sankey - Entally Estate

    Hi, I came across this post by chance.
    Entally Estate is a circa 1819 heritage property in Hadspen, Tasmania, Australia. I would be delighted to find out more about this sausage recipe if info is received. A restaurant is being planned, and we would love to be able to serve it on our menu. Our web site for your info is http://www.entally.com.au
    Thank you and kind regards Natalie Sankey – Events Coordinator – Entally Estate.

  2. andrea

    I am desperately looking for the Entally sausage recipie as well, but not to make any profit from it, many years ago, when my dear mother was alive we made them together, with her direction, of course, but now she has gone and I can’t seem to get my hands on the recipie. I would appreciate, if someone would advise as to the masalas, so my 2 canadian sons could have a taste of my memories. Thanks.

  3. Marga

    I got this response from another visitor to my website:
    I would like to tell you that your friend in some way or the other could have lived in Calcutta or eaten the sausages that are made at Entally Market Calcutta (India).
    I’m a Calcuttan myself and would agree to that Phrase ‘’Entally Sausages are the Best’’.
    Let me tell you how these sausages are made:-
    Step 1- The Pork is minced please see that a sufficient amount of small finely cut pieces of Fat is added to the mince once done.
    Step 2- Add a sufficient amount* of finely cut onions (*that is as per your liking) on the minced pork.
    Step 3- Now add the spices (Amount as per your palate.) Powdered spices would be Coriander, Red Chilli, Indian Garam Masala and salt. (Try a store in your location that sells Indian Spices you would find the stuff I mentioned.) on the minced pork with the onions.
    Step 4- Now mix the entire heap together with your bare hands.
    Step 5- Take it to your local pork vendor for filling.

  4. Subhadip Mukherjee


    wrote this blog about Entally Sausages… hope it will be helpful.

  5. V.G.

    My taste memory seems to tell me the following:

    1. Fairly coarsely ground pork meat 4.5 mm -6mm: the type of Indian pork, semi-feral, has a lot to do with the quality of the sausage. Very young pig, as in most Western countries, cannot match the gaminess. Hence, try to find older animals, cull animals, or feral pigs that are NOT RANK/INEDIBLE.

    Choose various muscle meats, e.g. capicola, shoulder, various types of fat. Chop fat into coarse cubes, grind meat coarsely. Separately, grind small amount finely, emulsifying with ice and with chopped onions, chopped green chillies, cilantro, cracked coriander, peppercorn, [cloves???] but do not emulsify these. Just use the emulsified fatty meat to carry them smoothly into the mass of coarsely ground meat and fat. There is also a sour note, and whether this is due to lactic acid fermentation in refrigeration is to be determined. Thai people ferment such meaty sausage in ambient warm temps by adding cooked sticky rice. This may not be safe, unless done by very experienced hands. But definitely, the lactic acid tang is necessary to get the full flavor, bring out the flavor of the onions and spices. Natural casing washed out, fill, some dry non-fat milk powder, some nitrite, cure in fridge for a couple of days at 38F, to start the lactic acid fermentation?

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