Easy Bake Oven

oven.jpgI got Mika an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas. She’d seen it, wanted one, and I figured it would be a cool thing to have. So far, it hasn’t.
The problem may be that Mika may be too young for it – it’s designed for kids 8 and over, though it still says kids should be supervised while using it. It may be that once she can read the instructions, and do the baking all by herself, it’ll be a blass. But at this age I still have to premeasure the water that goes into the easy bake mixes, which is really no different than premeasuring the water that goes into a grown up cake mix. And for a grown up cake she gets to break eggs, which is exciting. And then, it’s all a matter of putting it into the oven, whether it’s the kids one or the adult one, she needs my help to do it (though today she took the cake out of the oven all by herself – while I was on the phone – and managed to only burn herself slightly). So I don’t see much of an advantage *at this age* between using the easy bake oven and using a regular mix and the regular oven. Maybe that will change.

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