I’m not a big fan of white zinfandel, call me a snob but to me it tastes very much like a wine cooler. That’s not bad in itself, I like wine coolers, but they shouldn’t go around calling themselves wine ;-).
But a bottle of Eagle Canyon White Zinfandel mysteriously appeared in my fridge (I assumed somebody brought it over some time and I just put it on the fridge), and I figured I’d give it a try tonight. I didn’t dislike it.
The wine itself is nice. It’s very floral and fruity, with strong hints of peach and of strawberry essence (the fake stuff, not actual strawberries), perhaps raspberry as well. It doesn’t taste at all alcoholic, and it has a clean finish. The problem with the wine is that it’s too damn sweet. It’s almost like a syrup, or a dessert wine at that (though it lacks the substance and complexity of such wines). It’s nice to sip, but you definitely can’t drink much of it. That may be a good thing, though 🙂 It also doesn’t go well with cheese, at least not with brie, though the cheese did cut into the sweetness.
What I find weird is that I wasn’t able to find out anything about the Eagle Canyon winery of Manteca. I can tell from a couple of sites that this is a cheap wine (maybe $5-6 a bottle), but I can’t find anything else about it or its winery. Weird, eh?
In any case, I wouldn’t buy it myself but I’m going to finish the bottle (not all at once, though 🙂

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