Balti Lamb Tikka

That’s it! I can’t cook Indian food. No matter how much I try, I always seem to fail. It’s a pity because I love Indian food, specially the one served at restaurants in California. I could eat the food from Favorite India every day.

This time I made balti lamb tikka, lamb marinated on yogurt with chili powder, cumin, coriander, garam masala, garlic, cilantro and tomato paste. It was a failure. Edible, don’t get me wrong, but in no way good. The recipe came from the Best Ever Indian Cookbook, which my brother and sister in law got me for Xmas a couple of years ago. I don’t think I’d used it more than once before.

Perhaps it’s my choice of recipes, perhaps it’s my technique, perhaps I’m just doomed. But I think I will keep trying.

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1 Comment

  1. Adrien

    Hey there! I’m a visitor from the foodfo on craigslist. Just wanted to say that I’ve had GREAT luck with recipe by Madhur Jaffrey (I *think* that’s spelled correctly). Everything I’ve tried from her cookbooks has far surpassed expectations – mine as well as numerous dinner guests. So – don’t give up on Indian food just yet!

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