We’re lucky that our apartment is situated in an area where there are several restaurants. We eat out practically every night, and it’s good to have variety. Last night it was our turn to try Ethiopian food – and Red Sea in particular. It was quite good.
I went with Paul and Avi, two of my colleagues, and both Paul and I had the mixed meat plate. This includes 4 different meat “stews” and a hardboiled egg with sauce. There is also some veggies and cheese. The whole thing is served on a huge platter, on top of injera. A couple of the stews were spicy (but not very spicy) and the other two were mild. They were all very good, among the best ones I’ve had at Ethiopian restaurants.
Avi, on the other hand, was less lucky with his fish. He ordered something that looked like fish sticks with a sauce. He wasn’t that pleased with it.
Service was good and friendly.
The restaurant itself has an outdoor bar area – where we ate – which is rather informal, there is even a TV, but can be pleasant on a warm night. There is also an indoor dining room which I didn’t check out.
The meal, which included a few non-alcoholic drinks but no desserts (all they had were fruit salads, came to about Ks 2200, $33.
Red Sea
Lenana Road

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