It’s been several months since I’ve uploaded restaurant reviews to my website (blame Mike, my editor), so I’m making up for that now. Here are the new ones up:

Tiger’s Garden is a very good Thai and Laotian restaurant in downtown Vancouver, Wa.
Elmer’s is a Northwestern chain of pretty good restaurants. We had a great breakfast at their Medford location and a pretty good dinner at their Roseburg branch.
Mike and I had a disappointing meal at Oakland’s Doña Tomás in 2004, but my 2007 meal there with “the girls” was great!
We finally made it to Chez Simone in Oakland, where we had a nice meal – though nothing I couldn’t make at home.
Our last girls’ night out with Eddie was at Absinthe in San Francisco. The food was quite good.
The Rotunda, the restaurant at Neiman Marcus in San Francisco, offers what is probably the worst cup of tea in town. Avoid at all costs.
And finally, I celebrated my birthday with my family at El Morocco in Pleasant Hill – an old favorite.

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