Betty Crocker Peanut Butter bon bon Mix – Review

Betty Crocker Peanut Butter bon bon MixCamila and I just made some bon bons from a Betty Crocker Peanut Butter bon bon Mix that my mom got me (no idea why). I have to admit I’m quite impressed. The bon bons were very easy to make – so much so that Camila barely needed any help – and they are fun too!
Basically all you do is mix some butter with the bon bon mix and peanut butter. You roll them into balls and then dip them into melted chocolate. Well, let me tell you, 5 year-olds find rolling and dipping more fun than you would expect.
These things do not need to be baked and only require fifteen minutes in the fridge for the chocolate to harden – great, given how little patience children have.
More importantly, they are quite delicious. Mika couldn’t believe how good they were and she hugged Camila thanking her for making them.
As for Camila, she decided she wants to own a candy store when she grows up, given how good she is at making candy 🙂
Update – I just saw the bon bon mix at Grocery Outlet for $1.50 for the 14oz, single, package. It’s supposed to make about 20 bon bons.

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