Little Namking Restaurant – San Leandro – Updated restaurant review

We went to Little Namking a couple of weeks ago, after speaking out at a city council meeting (which, according to Mayor Tony Santos constitutes “brownshirt tactics”). We hadn’t been there in many years, which is really a shame, as the food is quite good and nicely priced.
We shared the chicken chow mein, lemon chicken (which Mika wasn’t thrilled with but she was in a bad mood to begin with) and some beef dish. The portions weren’t huge but sufficient for 2 adults and 2 kids. We had no leftovers.
In all, a good meal but not superior enough to the ones we get at our nearby New Hong Kong to justify the extra distance.
Original Review
Marga’s San Leandro Restaurant Reviews

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1 Comment

  1. Louis Cohen

    Try the fish special there – sole stuffed with veggies, IIRC. We always preferred Namking over the New Hong Kong. The service was always nice, too.

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