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Cupcakes and frosting

Yesterday I made some cupcakes from this recipe (who the hell is Amy Sedaris, anyway?). Camila helped me. Perhaps for that reason the cupcakes just didn’t come out – they barely rose. Taste wise they were OK, not very sweet or special, just OK. I wouldn’t make them again. I really need a recipe for cupcakes that is fool-proof – where the measurements don’t need to be too exact for it to work, because God knows, I no longer get to measure anything.
Now, for the frosting I modified this recipe. I chose it specifically because it didn’t require as much powdered cream as the other one. I reduced it by 2/3 because I didn’t have that many cupcakes to frost, and still, there was too much frosting. My modified frosting was very good, in particular the second day. Here is the “recipe”
Buttercream frosting

  • 6 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 5 Tbsp. butter, room temperature
  • 1 3/4 cup powdered sugar.

Mix the cream cheese and butter together in an electric mixer until smooth. Add the powdered sugar, a little bit at a time, and mix until creamy.

Measuring cups & spoons from Sur La Table

A couple of years ago I asked for metal measuring cups & spoons for Christmas. Mike, my mom and a friend all heeded my call – I ended up with three sets. I decided to keep the one my mother gave me – because it had 3/4 and 2/3 cups in addition to the regular ones – and the one my friend Regina gave me – because it had more measuring spoons – and to return the one Mike got me. That was the most expensive one and he’d gotten it at Sur la Table.
Well, two years have passed and I haven’t returned them, so I thought I might as well start using them as well – not that I need 3 sets of measuring cups. It’s a good thing I didn’t put them to use before because they suck! The handles on the cups are so thin, that they easily bend! And I know that Mike spent a lot of $ on them (I think about $30).
I don’t see them in Sur la Table’s website now, so perhaps they stopped selling them. They are marked with the Sur la Table name, so if you see them in a store, avoid buying them.

Ghazal Indian Cuisine review – Jack London Sq. Oakland

Last night I had my monthly dinner with my friends Katrina & Parker (the rest couldn’t come), and we went to Ghazal Indian Cuisine in Oakland, California. As usual when I’m with the girls, we had great restaurant karma – not only did we find free parking very close to the restaurant, but we all enjoyed our meal.
Ghazal is a relatively new restaurant in the Jack London area. It’s front room is sort of generic, but its dining room is pretty nice – not in the least tacky. There is a wall with square recess shelves, decorated with nice ceramics. The room itself is too square and brightly lit for my taste – the light is too white. With a little more care it could have a very nice ambiance.
We were there on a Wednesday evening, and unfortunately (for them) the restaurant was almost empty – there was only one other party. I think the major reason is that the Jack London. Sq. area is a major dud, a complete failure of a project. It’s a nice place, but for some reason nobody seems to go there. If that was true during good economic times, it’ll be even truer with our current recession-depression.
In any case, Ghazal is a relatively nice place to go for dinner. It features a pretty much standard North Indian menu, thought there are more choices than at most similar restaurants. It’s also pricier than most Indian restaurants. That said, I still ordered what I always order: chicken pakora ($7), lamb korma ($12), kabuli naan (here it’s called kashmiri naan – $3) and two sweet lassis ($2.50 each).
The chicken pakora was quite nice, the chicken was quite moist, though the breading wasn’t very crispy. The portion was a good size. I also liked the lamb korma – the lamb was amazingly tender – but I thought the korma was lacking something. Perhaps some salt? The white rice that I ordered with it was yellow, but otherwise fine. Both dishes were pretty spicy, even though I’d ordered the lamb “mild”. The naan had a good amount of filling, and it was yummy and soft. The lassis, meanwhile, were delicious – perhaps a tad too sweet, but very refreshing and just nice.
Katrina and Parker shared several vegetarian dishes – I didn’t try them, but they said they were very good. In all, we were all happy to have dined there. As I said, we have good restaurant karma.
Ghazal Indian Cuisine
131 Broadway
Oakland, CA

Tea with the girls

Today, Lotti and Vienna came over for tea (our fourth tea partner, Regina, has unfortunately moved to NY – we miss you Regina!). The house was a complete mess, so I spent much more time cleaning up than cooking – but I still wanted to have something yummy to go with the tea (that English breakfast tea I bought at Harrod’s in the London Airport). What I served were simple things:
Chicken salad sandwiches
Sugar Cookies
Scones with butter & strawberry jam.
The only new recipe was that for the scones, and they were fairly easy to make and quite good. IT wasn’t the definitive recipe for scones, however, which is why I did not copy it here.
I’ve been looking for tea cups at Thrift Town, a great thrift store, and I’ve bought three so far. I hope I can find more 🙂

Amazing Taste Seasoning – Malibu

As I mentioned in a previous post, I received a few packages of Amazing Taste seasonings to try and review. Last night I made rotisserie chicken with the Malibu seasoning package. I rubbed it both under and over the skin of a full chicken, which I then cooked to perfection 🙂
I was not as fond of this seasoning mix as I was of the one for pork. The chicken was tasty, but I wasn’t completely fond of the taste. It had that sort of artificial flavor that store-bought rotisserie chickens have, maybe it was the preservatives in the spice mix. Mike thought it was pretty good, however.
I probably would not buy this seasoning.

A tale of two cakes

A couple of days ago, the girls had to stay home from school, and we decided to bake a cake. I had found a recipe for a Curacaoan chocolate cake, and I thought I’d make it as part of my Curacaoan menu. Camila, however, wanted to make the lemon cake recipe which appeared in this month’s issue of High Five magazine. She loves the magazine and wants to do all the activities.
So with Camila wanting to do the lemon cake, and Mika wanting to do the chocolate one, we had no recourse but to do both 🙂 Fortunately they were both fairly simple to make and both recipes made just enough cake for an 8×8 cake pan.
We all worked on the lemon cake recipe (recipe below), but Mika made the chocolate cake recipe ALL BY HERSELF. Yep. She read the instructions by herself, she measured the ingredients by herself, and mix them in by herself. It was her first time alone, so she can’t really be faulted for misreading the instructions and mixing in the water and vinegar with the cocoa and sugar before she put the flour, and so forth. All in all, I think she did a good job, and the cake tasted great. It was pretty dense and chewy (not in a good way), but I don’t know if that was because of her mistakes, or because this turned out to be a vegan (no eggs) cake. In any case, she thought there was nothing wrong with it.
The kids actually did not like the perfectly baked lemon cake. I think the problem was the strong olive oil flavor it had. I thought it was quite good – but I can understand little kids not liking it. I’m not copying the recipe precisely for that reason.
We didn’t have any frosting for the cakes, so I whipped some cream and use that. Alas, we couldn’t wait so we put it on the cakes when they were still too warm! Later the girls, all by themselves, decided to decorate their cakes with chocolate chips.

An egg beater

For some reason that I can’t quite remember, my aunt Gladys gave me, quite a few years ago, the metal/plastic egg beater that belonged to her and my grandmother (Gladys never married, so she lived with her mother until the latter died). I don’t know how old it is, it was probably bought during one of their more recent trips to the US, in the early 1960’s, though it could be older.

It’s a simple tool, an eggbeater like most others – though this one has plastic beaters. All the other ones I’ve seen have metal ones. Of course, plastic is not as sturdy as metal, and this one has a broken piece. It also has rusting metal. Still, 50 or 60 years later, it still works perfectly.

I don’t know if I’ve used it since I got it, at least a decade ago. When I moved to this house, I put it on the top shelf of a kitchen cabinet (the one I can’t reach without standing on a chair). Whenever I’ve had to beat eggs, I’ve used an electric mixer or a whisk.

Yesterday, however, Camila and I were making flan together, and the recipe called for four beaten eggs. I didn’t want to use the stand electric mixer for that, and yet I knew we weren’t going to get far with a simple whisk (Camila now insists on doing everything, but she still doesn’t have the skills to do everything well) – so I took it out. Camila had never seen one before, and I know it would interest her.

As I said, it works perfectly. What an easy, quick way of beating eggs! After we were done, I thought I should buy a new one (though they’re about $13 at Amazon!, my friend Elektra recommends looking for one at a thrift store, and I may still do that). I’m actually afraid of using this one – not just because it’s rusting – but because I don’t want to get it any more broken. I feel as if I had borrowed it, rather than inherited it, and I have to return it in as good condition.

It’s not as simple as that, of course. I also have my grandmother’s old Better Homes & Gardens cookbook – that book that I perused so many times as a child. And I have their recipe book, where Gladys or Granny hand wrote so many recipes. I’ve thought about cooking from those books – trying to make that delicious sponge cake with lemon frosting, the white cake with chocolate-dulce de leche frosting, or the chocolate-mint cake, which along with pies, were their signature dishes when I was growing up. I haven’t been able to do it. Granny has been dead for 30 years, Gladys died only 2 years ago, however, and I still can’t think of her without falling into a well of tears. Perhaps using their stuff, cooking their food, is too strong a reminder that they’re no longer here. I want to cook their food, but for them – and I never did, and I will never be able to do it now.

In addition to the eggbeater, I also have the kitchen timer that I grew up hearing ring at their home. I’ve started using it because all the other times I’ve had, have broken. It’s good that I use it, right? It might get stuck otherwise. It hasn’t broken in 50 years, it’s not going to break now. Right?

Bacon & Banana

Last night I made Pork Chops With Banana And Bacon, an Antiguan recipe. Of course, I’ve now added the recipe to my website, as part of my international cooking project, but I wanted also to blog about the banana-bacon chunks because the combination was absolutely delicious.
Basically, all you do is cut a banana in large chunks, lightly saute some bacon, wrap each banana chunk with a slice of bacon, put them in a skewer, and broil them (or grill them) for a few minutes. Wow!
I think they’d go great as a side to any dish, but also as a small breakfast treat. Try it!

An easy and mild Indonesian peanut sauce

A couple nights ago I made Curacaoan Beef Sate for dinner, and I needed a peanut sauce to go with it. Alas, I couldn’t find a recipe for a Curacaoan version of such sauce (though later, when it was too late, I found one at, so I looked for an Indonesian peanut sauce recipe. I decided on this one, because it was very simple and it didn’t require any exotic ingredients. I further westernized it by getting rid of the pepper (hoping that my kids would then eat it, which they didn’t after all). Though the sauce wasn’t as layered or delicious as it would otherwise have been, it was pretty addictive – I couldn’t resist sampling it every time I went by the stove (hey, I just made it for my family). I’d definitely make it again if I needed a mild peanut sauce for whatever reason.
BTW, I halved the proportions from the original recipe, and it still made much more peanut sauce than we could eat at one or two sittings. If I was going to make it again, I’d halve the recipe once more.

Indonesian Peanut Sauce

  • 1/2 cup chunky natural peanut butter
  • 1 big or 2 small cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1″ fresh ginger, peeled & chopped
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. brown sugar
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1/2 Tbsp. molasses
  • 1 tsp. lemon or lime juice.

    Puree peanut butter, garlic, ginger and brown sugar in a food processor and transfer to a small saucepan. Add coconut milk, soy sauce and molasses and stir well.
    Bring mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, and then simmer until sauce has thickened and the flavors have merged, about 30 minutes. Stir often. Cool to room temperature and add more soy sauce or lemon juice as needed.

    Marga’s Best Recipes

    Marga’s International Recipes

  • Darwin Fish in the form of a Cookie

    I posted already about the Darwin fish cookies in my entry for the Darwin Day Tea Party – but I just uploaded the photo to my computer and I want you guys to see what a good job we made.
    It was Mike’s idea – we found a drawing of the Darwin Fish, which we then enlarged in the printer, cut, and then laid on the cookie dough. With a knife, we carefully cut around it.
    The picture is not one of our best – those were eaten – but I’m still very proud of it, and of Mike for thinking about it.

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