Category: Cafes, Bakeries, Ice Cream… (Page 6 of 6)

Marita’s sweet Potato Pie Co.

Note: Marita’s is now closed
For years, we’ve driven or even parked by Marita’s Sweet Potato Pie Co. as we visited our friends Regina and Boris, who live in the neighborhood, or stopped by for a drink at Zocalo. I’ve always been curious to check it out, but the concept of “sweet potato pie” just does not appeal to Mike. In the last few weeks, however, I’ve started walking by Marita’s once a week and have had my opportunity to give it a try, and another, and another 🙂
Marita’s is a bakery but one that sells basically two things, cakes (mostly by the slice) and pies. The cakes are simple affairs, consisting of plain cake and frosting. The slices are displayed in two large display cabinets, one of which is filled by slices of Red Velvet Cake alone. The latter is their pride and joy. I liked it, the cake itself didn’t taste like much but the creme cheese filling was delicious. Indeed, this seems to be the case with most of their cakes, the cakes themselves are not special but the fillings are just plain yummy. So far I’ve had the Red Velvet, the coconut, the butter cream and the yellow chocolate – I enjoyed the latter most of all. Still, I’m planning to taste them all in my weekly visits. The slices – priced at $2-2.75 each are quite generous, you shouldn’t have a problem sharing one.
The full cakes ($13-18) are quite large, and they only seem to have a few on display so you may want to call ahead if that’s what you are looking for. In addition to cakes, they serve sweet potato pie, peach cobbler, bread pudding and pecan pie.
The bakery doesn’t have a place to sit, it’s strictly a take-out operation
Marita’s Sweet Potato Pie Co.
600 Dutton Avenue
San Leandro

East 14th Bakery – San Leandro – Review

currybun.jpg2013 Update

Over the years, East 14th Bakery or “The Chinese Bakery”, as we call it, has become a frequent destination. It was recently sold to a new family who is introducing a few new items.

My items of choice here are the pork buns and the other buns.  They are very bready, but quite good and not much more expensive than when the place opened.

Original review

A Chinese bakery has finally opened a few blocks away from my house and I’ve been going almost daily. Yes, this is a habit that has to stop, but it’s so easy to pick up a pork bun or a curry beef bun for lunch on my way home. They offer a large variety of buns with all sorts of fillings, they are huge and under $1. Of the ones I’ve tried so far the curry beef one is my favorite, the ground beef filling is somewhat spicy but very tasty. I love BBQ pork buns but these ones are not the best, their pork seems chopped rather than sliced and they are not very sweet outside. Still, the owner is very eager to please so hopefully he’ll take my suggestions.

Of the sweets, the mini coconut cupcakes are my favorite. They are very coconutish and not too sweet. Their cakes taste mostly like out-of-a-box cakes, not really my favorite but Mika likes them.
In all, I’m very pleased they’re around.
Note that if you pick up a take-out menu they come with a coupon for a free 1st birthday cake – though expires on 9/30.
East 14th Bakery
1780 E. 14th (@ Elsie)
San Leandro, CA
Everyday 7am – 6 pm

Bookmark Cafe

The San Leandro Public Library is one of the those gems that make living in this city worthwhile. It’s a pretty big library for a town this size, and despite horrendous budget cuts which, among other things, eliminated the monthly “Family Fun nights”, it still offers a wide variety of books and other media in an inviting atmosphere. Moreover, it’s the only library I know that features a used bookstore, a gift shop and a cafe.
The Bookmark Cafe is small, though rarely crowded. It offers both indoor and outdoor seating, though the outdoor tables are not shaded so we usually chose to sit inside. They sell a wide assortment of food items, though most of them are the pre-wrapped kind. They do have a coffee machine and a variety of coffee products, but as I’m not much of a coffee drinker I’ve never tried any. I have tried their smoothies, which suck (they seem to be made with syrup rather than actual fruit). They serve lunch items, though it appears they are mostly frozen/microwaved ones. A BBQ rib sandwich could only be described as edible.
So we usually stick to sodas, milk and its Otis Spunkmeyer cookies. The latter are great, the chocolate chips melt in your mouth as you eat them. Mika is a huge fan of them.
We go to the cafe practically every day. Mika has become quite addicted to the experience, and while I feel somewhat uncomfortable about giving in to her daily, I love hanging out there as well. And I know it’s a nice memory I’m creating for the future 🙂

Pastries By Edie


One of the (few) treats of going to LA to visit my parents is stopping by Edie’s for some of their amazing French-style pastries. The pastries are beautiful and delicious, combining richness with lightness and winning flavors. They average about $3 each and the larger ones are big enough to share (if you’re not too hungry). We usually split them four ways so we can all taste a little of each one. We always get them to go, but they are sold off a little European-style cafe that would be a nice place to stop by for a coffee if it was in a nicer neighborhood.
Pastries By Edie
21608 Sherman Way
Canoga Park, CA 91303
(818) 716-7033

Planet Coffee

Update October 2013

This site is now Four Seasons Cafe and Deli

Update December 2010.
Planet Coffee has been sold twice since our 2004 update, the last time a couple of months ago. I haven’t checked it out since but I’ll try to stop by sometime.
Update December 2004. We went back to Planet Coffee for Vietnamese Sandwiches a few weeks ago and this time we were not impressed by their Vietnamese Sandwiches. There was so little meat vis a vis the bread and veggies. The bread was also over-toasted. In all, I don’t think we’ll try it again.

Planet Coffee is a cafe in downtown San Leandro. Though we’ve lived in the city for 4 1/2 years, today was the first time we went in.
As a college student I *loved* cafes and used to hang out in them all the time. Mike, however, dislikes them so we’ve pretty much avoided them after we got married. It doesn’t help that most cafes around here close early – Planet Coffee is closed by 5 PM so it’s not as if we could go there and hang out in the evenings.
I became interested in trying it, however, when I saw and ad in the local paper that mentioned that it was under new management and that it was now serving Vietnamese sandwiches for lunch. I had heard that Vietnamese sandwiches were delicious and cheap, and I certainly wanted to try them.
The opportunity finally came today when Mike was over for lunch and there were no leftovers to share. We decided to stop by Planet Coffee after picking Mika up from school and we had a very nice lunch.
The cafe is actually larger than I’d imagined given its narrow facade. It’s nicely appointed, with a mural of a European open-air cafe by a lake and nice, bright paintings of Vietnamese scenes. At 1-1:30 PM there was nobody there but us and a couple of people who came to get pick-up. In other words, we could eat lunch without Mika bothering anyone.
As you would expect, Planet Coffee has a typical cafe menu with a wide variety of coffees (they also sell coffee beans by the pound) as well as hot and cold drinks (smoothies, frappes and fresh juices). They serve breakfast (mostly eggs & bread concoctions) and a wide variety of salads and sandwiches for lunch. In addition to the Vietnamese sandwiches they have traditional American sandwiches (all around $5).
But we were there for the Vietnamese sandwiches and that’s what we got. They have six different ones with different combinations of ham, head cheese, pork salame, grilled pork, grilled chicken and BBQ pork. They cost $2.75 for a small and $4.95 for a large, which includes a small side of potato salad. The sandwiches come with pate, pickled carrot & daikon, pepper, cucumber and cilantro. Mike decided on the large grilled pork and I had the small grilled chicken. They were both very good. We liked the contrast of textures and tastes between the meats and the crunchy veggies and the tastes all came together very nicely. We both liked the sweet grilled pork better than the chicken, and we both felt that the sandwiches needed morer meat. They were too bready as they were. Still, we very much enjoyed them. We felt that the small sandwich was a better value than the large sandwich, as there wasn’t such a big difference in size between them.
In all, we’ll likely go back to Planet Coffee for more Vietnamese sandwiches.
Planet Coffee
1423 East 14th St.
San Leandro, CA
M-F 6am-5pm, Sa 6am-4pm

Tango Gelato

Tango Gelato is, as far as we know, the only creamery serving Argentine ice cream in the Bay Area (and possibly in California). If you’ve never had Argentine ice cream you are in for a treat. It’s surprisingly light and dense at the same time (it’s lower in fat than American ice cream but has no air mixed in), and extremely creamy. The dulce de leche ice cream is almost as good as what you can get in Argentina.
If you love sorbet, then you are in for a treat! Argentine sorbets, made with real fruit, are extremely flavorful.
On the minus side, it seems that Tango Gelato has started to cater to American tastes with some definitely American flavors (like green tea). And going to Tango Gelato requires a trip over the bridge (and looking for parking!), as Tango Gelato moved from its previous location in Fruitvale to San Francisco. It’s currently located at 2015 Fillmore Street, between Pine and California streets.

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