Category: Grocery Outlet (Page 6 of 9)

Here you will find reviews of the products I’ve been able to find at our local Grocery Outlet in San Leandro. It’s very close to my house and I go quite a bit. I love how affordable the prices are (though beware, not everything is a bargain), and how I can come across new products of all kinds.

Perfect Blend Instant Mashed Potato Flakes – Review

The other day I made Wine Braised Short Ribs with Mixed Herb Gremolata for dinner (they were delicious, btw, and I plan to copy the recipe to this blog). They were supposed to be served with Gorgonzola polenta, and while I remembered to buy the Gorgonzola, I didn’t realize until the last possible moment that I had forgotten the polenta. AND, I didn’t have any starches at home. I wanted a starch to soak in all the delicious braising liquid (and delicious it was). I was in a bind.
So I hurried to Grocery Outlet, across the street, with the dim hope of finding some polenta, or at least another quick-cooking starch. These boxed mashed potatoes were the best that I could do. And lord, were they bad – so bad even the kids (no gourmets and not very picky) thought they sucked. In reality, they tasted just like the cardboard box. I don’t really understand why – but they really were inedible.
So hearken me, and avoid them at all costs.

Plumrose Brown Sugar Ham – Review

Plumrose Brown Sugar HamMy plan for dinner tonight was to make Chicken Cordon Blue, this time with ham (rather than prosciutto), as it’s significantly cheaper. Alas, Mike had forgotten to get the ham at the supermarket, so I decided to get some at Grocery Outlet. It was a mistake.
There were only two packages of ham available, and I got this Plumroase brown sugar ham rather than the other one as it actually had brown sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. Still, this one had artificial maple flavor, so it’s not as it was a much healthier alternative. But the real problem with this ham is that it has very little flavor. There is some saltiness to it, and some fake sweetness and even fake smokiness, but no ham flavor at all. It doesn’t taste “bad” just not very hammy.
At about $3 a pound, though, it’s quite cheap. But it has added water, so who knows how much actual ham you are getting.

Another bargain that wasn’t – almost-expired peanut butter @ Grocery Outlet

I just came back from Grocery Outlet very excited at what I thought was a /great/ bargain. A twin pack of 26oz jars of Smuckers Natural Creamy Peanut Butter
for $4. This stuff is just peanuts and salt, so the price was really unbelievable. Too good to be true, indeed.
And it was. The plastic wrap around the twin jars blocked the expiration date, which, as I discovered when I got home, is only 3 days from today. Three whole days to consume over 3lbs of peanut butter. I don’t think I could even if I tried đŸ™‚
So I returned it, which is not /too/ big a deal as Grocery Outlet is just across the street from me – but it could be a bigger hassle for other people. As I’ve said before, I love Grocery Outlet and the people who run it, and I do realize that they play the expiration-date game, but really, they shouldn’t sell things unless 1) the expiration dates are clearly shown outside the packages and 2) these expiration dates are more than a couple of days away.

Dinner from Grocery Outlet

Once again, I found myself wondering what I was going to make for dinner tonight and decided to see what quick and cheap things I could find at Grocery Outlet. Dinner ended up being an assortment of things rather than one in particular, but it worked out pretty well.
I started with Middle East Baking Co. Pita Bread ($1.40 for 6 pitas, 12 oz) and Sabra Classic Hummus ($3 for 10 oz container). The hummus tasted exactly as what it proclaims itself to be – “classic hummus” and I enjoyed it very much. It doesn’t list any worrisome ingredients (e.g. no trans-fats). The pita bread was just pita.
Mika and I had hot dogs (I got their no-brand hot dog buns, ‘$1.80 for 16!) and Camila an Evergood Chicken Apple Sausage ($4 for 4, not really a bargain). I like these sausages because they are not as sweet as others. – they also don’t seem to have any worrisome ingredients.
I also served the kids peas – a 4lb bag of a no-name brand was $3.30.
Finally, I gave in to temptation and got a bag of frozen pre-cooked onion rings. They came in a transparent plastic bag with a badly attached label and no expiration date I could find. The 3lb bag was $5. I baked them according to instructions and was quite disappointed. The onion rings were limp and chewy, not in the least crispy, and yet quite greasy. They also didn’t have much in the way of flavor. Heed my advise and avoid them.
I also bought a large package of PrĂ©sident Mini Brie cheese. It’s not my favorite brie by far, but at $3 for a 16 oz package, I can’t really complain.

Belafino Pepperoni Pizza @ Grocery Outlet

I didn’t have anything to make for dinner, so when I chanced upon frozen/refrigerated boxes of Belafino Take and Bake Pepperoni Pizza at Grocery Outlet, I thought I’d give it a try. Probably I won’t do it again.

The 2lb, 16″ pizzas seemed good enough in the box. They are made with 100% real mozzarella cheese, and at $3 each they looked like a good bargain. They seemed to have a fair amount of cheese and pepperoni – though once I took them out of the box, the pepperoni seemed rather scant. Still, what ultimately matters is the flavor, and these pizzas taste only of sauce.

There was no cheese flavor /at all/, and while the mild pepperoni was nice in itself, it couldn’t stand up to the sauce. I found the sauce to have an unhappy combination of a predominant too-sweet taste, with hints of annoying bitterness. I just didn’t like it.

The crust was OK, though it had a slight refrigerator taste that I didn’t really appreciate, still it was masked by the sauce.

All of this said, the kids *loved* it. I can’t imagine why, but kids are funny.

I did a bit of googling about this pizza and it seems it’s a relatively recent brand from Schwan, the makers of Freschetta, Red Baron and Tony’s frozen pizzas. Belafino is supposed to be a “gourmet” offering, one to be sold on the deli section of the supermarket – giving the impression that it’s fresh (though the box does note that it’s been previously frozen). Supermarkets are supposed to defrost them, put a “sell by” date of 10 days after the pizza was defrosted, and place it in the deli. I find that kind of scary, because nothing on the box says when the pizza was made (it has a 6-month freezer life). It also seems sort of deceptive.

In any case, the pizza doesn’t taste good and that’s what really counts.

General thoughts on Grocery Outlet in San Leandro

As everyone who reads my blog knows, I’m a big fan of Grocery Outlet. For one, it’s just across the street from my house – which makes it very convenient to grab those items we are out of or have just forgotten. It’s also a good place to get cheap treats and I enjoy seeing what’s new on each trip. You have to be careful, though, they are not always good about keeping expired products off the shelves – so you do need to check expiration dates carefully. Also, their prices are not always the best – sometimes you can get better deals at the supermarket. But in general they are cheaper to much cheaper than regular stores.

What I really like about the San Leandro Grocery Outlet, however, is how dedicated the manager is to make the store pleasant and family friendly. They moved here to San Leandro from Seattle, and it’s really clear that it’s their baby. The store is always clean, there are always people around to help and the lines are MUCH shorter than at the supermarket. They strive to never have more than 3 people in line, and today I saw the manager open a new line when the others started getting over that. There is also always a dedicated person to bag your groceries, so you can get out of there quickly.

I also like that they seem to make a concerned effort to hiring people with disabilities and minorities. My only concern is that they are not unionized, but I don’t know anything about their labor practices. I’ll ask the manager at some point.

So I finally asked the manager about their labor practices. Workers are started at $8.50 an hour (50 cents over minimum wage in California) and they are not provided with any kind of benefits. The manager say they can’t afford it. GO managers have a base pay of $90K a year, which is not bad – but the manager at San Leandro’s GO works there 6 days a week most of the day, so clearly they work hard for what they make.
The question for me are just how high the profits are for the owners – GO is a privately held company so I wasn’t able to find out how well they do. Are wages so low because they have a small margin on their products, or because the owners are reeking in the profits? I’d like to know.

Barrington Tea @ Grocery Outlet

I’m a moderate tea drinker and mostly a fan of Twinings English Breakfast Tea, which I buy at the supermarket when it’s on sale or at Santos Spice Products, where a 50-tea bag box is only $5 or so. But it’s not always possible to get it at either place, so when I found myself with no tea last week, I decided to give the Barrington Tea I found at Grocery Outlet a try. At about $1.50 for a 20-tea bag box, I figured I wasn’t gambling much. And to my surprise, I ended up liking this tea quite a bit.
I usually like plain black tea mixes – like English breakfast, though I’ll have the occasional cup of Earl Grey. I drink my tea with milk and sugar.
Only “Pure Ceylon Black Tea” is listed as an ingredient on the Barrigton English Breakfast tea box, but I could swear the tea has some sort of flavoring in it. I can taste hints of mint and something else which makes the tea taste particularly sweet. It’s not as robust as the Twinings, but it stands well to milk and sugar, a bag is strong enough for two mugs and it doesn’t seem to over-brew very fast (I don’t usually remove the tea bag while I’m drinking the tea). In all, I’m quite happy with this tea and I’ll probably go and, given the price, I’ll probably go and pick up a few more boxes of it to keep in case Grocery Outlet stops carrying it. The tea expiration date is 11/12, so it should be good for quite a while.
A final thing that I like about this tea is that the bags come in plain paper covers. Twinings’ come in sealed waxed/metallic paper bags, which I don’t think I can recycle/compost.
Finally, I haven’t found much about the Barrington Tea company online – which makes me assume it’s quite new. According to its website, their corporate offices are in Palo Alto. The tea comes from Sri Lanka.

I just got a box of their Ceylon tea and I’ve enjoyed it very much as well. It’s a robust black tea, with some hint of flavoring but not as strongly as in the English Breakfast. It’s very nice with milk & sugar. I’d buy it again, though now I’m curious about trying the Trader Joe’s tea, which is even cheaper.
I’ve also tried the Earl Gray tea and this one has disappointed me. It’s very weak and it doesn’t really have a different spicing than the other teas – it’s just weaker. I won’t be buying it again.

Villa Milena Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I got a bottle of Villa MIlena Extra Virgin Olive Oil (I don’t remember how much I pay, I’d guess about $7-8 for a 1 lt bottle) at Grocery Outlet a couple of weeks ago because I had ran out of it and I didn’t have time to go to Trader Joe’s, where I usually buy my EVOO (I get the Greek Kalamata one in the large bottle, it’s quite good and cheap). I wasn’t expecting much, but I still managed to be disappointed. The oil is a green-yellow color and has a fruity beginning, no middle whatsoever and a *very* bitter finish. Indeed, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth when you are done.
I’ve used it for sauteing/pan frying and it’s fine for that, but definitely not for salads or with bread.

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