Tag: reviews (Page 2 of 26)

Trader Joe’s Roasted Garlic & Pesto Pizza Review

It’s all about the deep fried crust

I don’t think it was until I tried this Roasted Garlic & Pesto Pizza with Deep Fried Crust ($6) that I came to the realization that I don’t really like pesto. I always thought I did, though I could never quite get it right when I tried to make it, but I think it might be too bitter for my taste buds – at least at this stage in my life.

In all, I can’t say I enjoyed the pizza. In the areas without the pesto, it was pretty “blah”. It didn’t have much flavor – the lack of tomato sauce was really felt here. In the areas with the pesto, it was too bitter and salty. The one redeeming quality was the crust, which was pretty good – though not out of this world – particularly when dipped in honey mustard dressing .

Trader Joe’s Garlicky Pasta Review

It’s definitely garlicky.

Trader Joe’s has a lot of frozen pastas – makes sense, pastas are cheap – and this Garlicky Pasta ($4.30) is good, though not my favorite. It was very garlicky, but it has too much of a one-tone flavor. It did feel too oily/fatty, unfortunately. It did need something else, so I tried adding Parmesan cheese, but that made it too salty.

The spaghetti is cut in half, which makes it hard to roll onto a fork, but it’s still too long to scoop with either a fork or a spoon. It’s just a bad length.

In all, I’m glad I tried it but I wouldn’t buy it again.

Trader Joe’s Taiwanese Green Onion Pancakes Review

An unexpected treat

I have had green onion pancakes at Chinese restaurants over the years, and I have never been overly impressed. Still, when I saw these Taiwanese Green Onion Pancakes ($2.50) at Trader Joe’s I still had to get them – don’t ask me why.

My first impression was that they were just OK. They didn’t much in the way of flavor – they were slightly salty. I did like the chewy consistency, which reminded me of Thai roti. While they are quite oily, they still felt pretty dry and screamed for something to dip them into. I tried chimichurri – but it didn’t work very well. They were delicious with honey mustard dressing, of all things. I thought they would be even better with Thai yellow curry, and they might be. But I got some Trader Joe’s yellow curry to try them with, and the curry was horrible.

You heat up these pancakes on a pan, but it only takes a couple of minutes per side and it leaves you with a clean pan that you can reuse without having to wash. I already bought more.

San Leandro Bites: Bit of Ireland Bakery

This old time bakery offers some tasty treats

I’ve lived in San Leandro for decades, but it wasn’t until a week ago that I ever thought of trying Bit of Ireland Bakery. That’s mostly because I’m not in the habit of going to bakeries. I will buy the occasional pastry at the supermarket, or get a craving for donuts, and when the kids were little, we would stop at the Chinese bakery in the way from school, but otherwise it’s Mike who gets the idea of bringing pastries home.

Thus he was surprised when I suggested that he go to Bit of Ireland – or rather, “that Irish bakery on that strip mall we always drive by” – and try to get some actual Irish pastries. By the time I suggested it, it was a bit late in the morning, so I’m not sure that he succeeded. But the pastries were pretty good.

He got three pastries. One was clearly a cinnamon roll, another seemed to be a butterhorn, and the other an apple flavored sweet Danish. In reality, they all had a similar flavor profile. They were tasty when microwaved – because every pastry is better when warmed – and dipped on coffee, though that made the apple one lose its flavor. It was $8.50 for the three.

I’d like to send Mike again and try the more Irish stuff, but I guess it’ll have to be earlier in the morning.

Bit of Ireland Bakery
1268 Davis St
San Leandro, CA
(510) 568-7398
M - W 5:30am – 3pm
Th - Sa 5:30am – 4:30 pm

San Leandro Restaurant Reviews

Signature Cafe Smoked Rib Tips Review

Not bad when on sale

Every Friday, Safeway has a bunch of items on sale for just $5 – and these always include a deli entrée. Sometimes it’s chicken in some permutation, sometimes it’s their sandwich, and sometimes it’s ribs. Lately, they’ve been featuring “rib tips“. They are usually $10.50/lb though I only buy them when they’re on sale for $5/lb.

They are pretty good. Nobody would confuse them with E&J’s, but the rib tips are tasty and not overly fatty. They can be a little tough, however. The BBQ sauce is pretty standard – what I now know is Kansas City style. Even my daughter likes them.

Munching Around the Bay: Naschmarkt

This relaxing Campbell restaurant offers good food and friendly service.

I was excited when my friend Lola chose Naschmarkt to celebrate her 50-something birthday. My experience with Austrian cuisine has been extremely limited. I have never been to Austria or eaten at an Austrian restaurant before, and while I cooked Austrian food as part of my international food project, this was twenty two years ago, and it didn’t turn out that well.

Despite living in the Bay Area for close to four decades, I also don’t think I’d ever been to Campbell. We didn’t end up seeing much of it, but I enjoyed strolling up and down Campbell Ave., seeing the bougie restaurants and stores, and perusing the stalls at the farmer’s market. We even bought a bottle of cider, though I dropped and broke it before we could try it.

It was a beautiful Sunday in early September, and sitting in Naschmarkt’s sidewalk patio was a lovely experience. It’s about a block away from all the buzzle of the street, so it’s quieter, but still allows for some people watching. It added to the European aspect of the meal.

While we waited for Lola to arrive – we were early – I enjoyed a sparkling water (we weren’t charged for the bottle), while Mike had a blood orange cosmopolitan ($17) which he liked very much.

We started by sharing the homemade pretzel with double-smoked bacon, beer-cheese sauce and chives ($16). I’m not a huge fan of pretzels, and while I appreciated that this one was soft, I felt that the flavor was too strong to compete against the cheese – which was good, but very subtle. The cheese sauce was actually better with white bread, or with the interior of the pretzel (though there isn’t too much of that). I don’t think I would order it again myself. Mike liked that the bagel was warm, and he liked it with the mustard rather than the cheese sauce.

We also shared the sausage trio ($36), which came with a smoked pork bratwurst, a spicy paprika wurst, and a “sausage of the day”and was served with red cabbage, sauerkraut, caramelized onions, and Dijon mustard.

I’m not the hugest fan of sausages, and I wasn’t personally impressed by any of these. Mike and Lola liked them, however and in particular the spicy paprika one. Mike thought they were all good, even if he can’t recall what the “sausage of the day” was.

I had been planning to get the chicken paprikash ($25) for lunch, as I’ve made several versions of this dish and have enjoyed them, but they didn’t have it available for lunch that day. So I settled for the spätzle ($30), which comes with smoked chicken, corn, brussels sprouts leaves, tarragon and mushrooms. I had mine without corn and extra mushrooms. This is listed under appetizers ($20) but you can have a lunch-size portion as well. As it happened, the lunch size portion was too much after having the other appetizer, so I took half of it home.

Overall I liked it, though I didn’t love it. I think the problem was that it was too mildly tasting except for the smoked chicken, and then the smoked chicken was a bit overwhelming in flavor. I think I might have enjoyed this more if it had bacon instead of chicken. I did like the chewy consistency of the spätzle. I don’t think I’d order it again.

Mike had the classic wiener schnitzel ($32) which comes with Austrian potato salad. The wiener schnitzel was a very good, nicely seasoned and very tender milanesa. I think even my milanesa-loving daughter would have approved. Mike enjoyed it, and I loved the couple of bites he gave me. It made me realize that I should make milanesas soon.

Lola had the Hungarian beef goulash ($28), consisting of beef shoulder braised in paprika and served with herbed spätzle, Hungarian pepper, and sour cream. We both felt the dish was quite good. I made goulash before, as part of my exploration of Hungarian cuisine, and this one was comparable. Of course, they nailed the spätzle too.

We couldn’t go to an Austrian restaurant and not have dessert, so Mike and I shared the apfel strudel ($16), described as “apple & hazelnut strudel with whipped cream, toasted almonds & vanilla bean ice cream” – though there was no whipped cream that I could see. I’ve had apple strudel before, but I will confidently say that this was the best version I’ve tasted. It was served warm, which helped a lot, but the crispy yet chewy dough and perfectly sweetened apples, with the occasional crunch of the toasted almonds, was just awesome. I definitely recommend you have it here.

Lola had that day’s special, which was some sort of cheesecake with sour cherries ($15). She liked it quite a bit, even more than my apple strudel – I disagreed, but I’m not fond of cherries.

To celebrate her birthday, they also brought her a complimentary trio of sorbets ($9 otherwise). The passion fruit, blood orange and mango sorbet were all very good, though I found their somewhat chewy consistency disconcerting (I’m guessing they use gelatin). The flavors were very intense and not overly sweet.

Service by a European-sounding gentleman whose name we didn’t catch was outstanding, friendly and efficient, and he was particularly good at seemingly upselling us (that pretzel was not our idea).

In all, we had a great, relaxing time, and I would totally recommend it. Naschmarkt has another location in Palo Alto.

384 E Campbell Ave
Campbell, CA
(408) 378-0335
Su- Thu 11:30 – 2pm, 5 – 9 pm
F - Sa 11:30 – 2pm, 5 – 9:30 pm

A Day in the Napa Valley: Celebrating Mike’s Birthday

A perfect day reliving old memories and making new ones

This year, we celebrated Mike’s birthday in the Napa Valley. It was his idea. As we talked about possibilities, he mentioned he’d like to get a mud bath. And that, of course, meant going to Calistoga – the closest place for such experiences. Once that was decided it was a matter of choosing what to do for the rest of the day.

I knew, almost immediately, that we’d start by having sandwiches at Guigni Deli in St. Helena. We’ve been going there for decades and they make the absolute best sandwiches in the world. I can’t imagine visiting the Napa Valley and not hitting Guigni’s. The sandwiches were as good as ever.

I looked and looked and looked for activities to do between St. Helena and Calistoga that didn’t include wine tasting, but it was pretty much impossible. There are a few art galleries in both towns, but wine tasting is otherwise it. So I just went with the flow and decided our next stop would be Mumm, the maker of sparkling wines. It was a perfect way to continue our day. The champagnes were delicious and the whole experience very relaxed.

We had some time to kill before our next wine tasting experience, so we headed back to St. Helena to grab some ice cream at A Roman Holiday Gelato. I was luckier than Mike with my ice cream choice, but I was nice and shared with the birthday boy.

We then headed to our second wine tasting experience at Tank Garage Winery. Here, we tasted the worst wines ever – and we have tasted wines in some very iffy places. They just sucked, but the experience was cool.

It was then time for our mud baths at Golden Have Hot Spring Spa & Resort. I’d chosen this place as they had couples mud baths and it was a great experience. While we waited, we had water infused with different fruits that was quite tasty – so even this ended up having a culinary aspect to it.

The mud baths are in a private room which also includes a shower. The bathtubs are laid out in an L configuration with your feet towards the middle – so that you can see each other. The mud was very, very hot, and while you get used to it, it can be a pretty intense experience. It was very relaxing, however.

Showering off the mud, on the other hand, took far longer than we thought. It was our fault – we should have put our hair in a bun and kept if away from the mud. As we didn’t, we spent forever removing it from our heads.

It was then time for a cooler dip in a jacuzzi tub. Mike enjoyed it a lot, but I was still overheated and couldn’t deal with even warm water.

We were then taken to a relaxation room, where we laid on beds with cucumbers over our eyes while soft music played. It was very nice and helped us cool down.

Finally, we got to hang out in the pool, filled with mineral water from the area. It wasn’t at all crowded, the water wasn’t too hot, and it was a very fun experience. They had showers with shampoo and conditioner, so we could get our hair back to normal before we headed for dinner.

Dinner, at the Mustard Grill, was also great. Not my entree, mind you, but the place is a lot of fun and Mike loved his food – and it was his birthday.

In all, it was a perfect day that brought together. I’ll just have to plan more like this one.

A Day in the Napa Valley: Mustard Grill

This Napa Valley classic has outstanding service and a fun atmosphere.

Mustard Grill has been a staple in the Napa Valley for four decades. Founded by Cindy Pawlcyn, one of the creators of wine country cuisine, it features American classics with Californian sensitivities, and hyper local ingredients. We drove past it for decades, always curious about trying it but never quite making it.

It’d been in Mike’s mind, however, so he suggested it when we started making plans for his birthday extravaganza in the Napa Valley – so I promptly made a reservation.

Dinner there was a lot of fun, and it crowned a wonderful day for both of us.

We were a little late for our dinner reservation, but we called and there was no problem accommodating us. We only had to wait by the bar for a few minutes before we were seated. The area of the bar, which includes a number of tables in addition to the bar itself, was quite busy on that Saturday evening and the atmosphere was very jobial.

The restaurant itself has several connected dining rooms and a semi-casual atmosphere. We saw women dressed up in lovely dresses, and guys in t-shirts and baseball caps. According to the server at one of the wineries we went to, it’s a favorite among locals, though it obviously also attracts tourists and day trippers like us.

We got a corner table on the outer dining room, the one with the windows. Though it gave me a look to the server station, the sunlight in the room (it’s summer, after all), made it jovial. Tables are very close together and the place was quite crowded, but it didn’t detract from the experience.

The menu of “deluxe truck stop classics” was pretty extensive, and included sandwiches in the low 20’s and main dishes priced from the high 30’s to mid 40’s. In addition they have a few daily specials, including a tostada and a pasta. They have, as you’d expect, an extensive wine list, but Mike and I were wined out that day (the perils of being old). Instead I had a coke ($4.50, free refills) while Mike had a River City root beer ($4.50 for the bottle). Mike liked it as much as he likes all those craft root beers you occasionally encounter.

Dinner started with bread, butter and salt. This was a great idea. Salted butter is usually lower quality butter, and not everyone prefers it or can deal with the extra sodium. As it happened, the bread and butter were very good, and adding a little salt made them even better.

I had hesitated a lot about what to order – I wasn’t terribly hungry -, and the waiter had recommended the meat loaf ($30) which came with garlic mashed potatoes, a horseradish BBQ sauce and unadvertised greens. Unfortunately, I didn’t like it. The BBQ sauce, which drowned the meatloaf, was too ketchupy, too acidic, too thin and just unenjoyable. The meatloaf itself, when most of the sauce was brushed away, needed more seasoning. Now, this is a popular dish so I’m going to guess that this is a matter with my taste alone. Mike didn’t dislike it, but thought it was nothing special – he wouldn’t order it either.

The mashed potatoes, however, were delicious.

Our waiter very nicely offered to substitute with another dish – but I wasn’t that hungry and didn’t think it was necessary. He then very unnecessarily took it off the bill, which was extremely nice and definitely makes me want to go to Mustard Grill again. I just wouldn’t order the meatloaf.

Mike ordered the grilled halibut ($39) which was on special that day. It came with new potatoes, rainbow chard and piquillo pepper sauce. Mike liked the fish, it was cooked perfectly, nice and flaky. He liked the sauce, though he wasn’t sure if it enhanced or replaced the flavor of the fish. He’d recommend it.

To celebrate Mike’s birthday, the restaurant gave us a complementary ice cream scoop. Unfortunately for Mike, it was espresso flavored. He is not a coffee drinker, and it’s not because of the caffeine. So I had it all for myself. I thought it was very good, light and flavorful. I did particularly like the fact they brought it as a gift.

Mike ordered the lemon-lime tart ($14), which is described as having “ridiculously tall brown sugar merengue” and I have to say I agree with the description. He loved it. In his words “the pie was absolutely awesome”. It wasn’t just the Alice-in-wonderland look – which did cause stares from other tables -, but he loved the flavor of the merengue, which was quite unique. The lemon-lime curd was also extremely tasty. Really, this was the perfect dessert for him.

I, personally, found the merengue too sweet, but I had just eaten the somewhat bitter espresso ice cream.

As mentioned, service was excellent. The place was popping, but it’s clearly appropriate staffed and the waiters are professionals who know their jobs. In all, I can’t think of a better place to celebrate a birthday. I am totally looking forward to going back.

Mustard Grill
7399 St. Helena Highway
Yountville, CA
M-Th 11:30 AM - 8 PM
F-Su 11 AM - 9 PM

A Day in the Napa Valley: Tank Garage Winery

We found the worst wines in the Calistoga.

During my years of visiting the Napa Valley, I have tasted some terrific wines and some cheap ones that only could be described as “drinkable” (hello, Sutter Home!), but never before we’ve had what I can only describe as undrinkable garbage. But I guess there is a first time for everything.

I hate writing these things down, because aside from the wines, we had a lovely experience at Tank Garage, and I love the premise of having a winery on a converted garage. But I guess that’s the problem with gimmicks, you only need one if the product yourself is not up to par.

From the outside, Tank Garage looks the part, with two sparkling clean 50-style gas pumps that match the look of the winery itself. For people still obsessed with 1950’s Americana – which I’m not but can appreciate from time to time -, this helps transport you into the area. At least, in the outside.

The inside is pretty cool as well, though I’m not sure it follows any particular theme. They have several tasting rooms, and we sat at the back one which lacks windows, and is thus pretty dark. It had more the atmosphere of a club, than a garage.

As is the case with other wineries, you do have to make reservations here – and the place was actually booked up when we arrived – someone walked in and couldn’t be seated.

Our table was ready when we got in. Obviously I’d let them know it was my husband’s birthday but now what his name was. Ooops. We did appreciate the gesture and the sense of humor, though.

We were given a menu with the wines available that day – both to taste and wine – though our server chose them for us. I wrote my notes on the menu, and then promptly forgot it, so I’m relying here on my very poor middle age memory. But in general, I can say that I felt all the wines we tasted were bad. Except for the first one, they all did get better once they were oxygenated – but that meant they reached two-buck-chuck quality.

As mentioned earlier, this is a gimmick winery. It specializes in eclectic blends, which seems more thrown together during a drug daze rather than thoughtfully thought about. It doesn’t seem like they ultimately care what they bottle. They only sell at the winery, which is not surprising.

The tasting of what I feel were about 5 wines was $30 – cheap by Napa Valley current standards – but we only had one, as Mike didn’t feel like drinking. He only tasted a couple of the wines here.

We started with Hella Fizz ($50), a  pét-nat. These are wines that instead of having a double fermentation – on the barrel and in the bottle, as in the case of the ones we tasted at Mumm -, are bottled before their first fermentation. The result is supposed to be a light, soft fermentation and an easy to drink wine. Of course, it’s also a much less balanced, mature and sophisticated wine. Apparently, some pét-nat wines can be really good, but it’s clear that Tank Garage chooses this method because it’s much cheaper – though they price these wines as if they were fine champagne.

I found Hella Fizz to be extremely empty. There was nothing to it, barely a hint of grapes. If I had to choose between this one and André champagne, I think I’d go for the André.

It only went downhill from there. The wines we tried Camera Shy ($48), Crushed Hearts ($38), Talk Dirty to Me ($75) and possibly another one I can’t recall all suffered from the same issues. They were weak and practically undrinkable when first poured, and just barely drinkable when properly aerated. For the Crushed Hearts wine, the server lay the need for aeration (though, mind you, he didn’t mention it before we tasted it) on its “carbonic maceration” process, a process that has bunches of grapes sealed into a tank and pumped with CO2. But he did tell us the other wines wouldn’t need it, which was totally untrue. They do. If you are trying them, swirl them for a while before drinking them.

Despite the lackluster wines, we did have a very good time. The tasting was relaxed, our server was solicitous and charming, and the room was nice enough to hang out for a while. I wouldn’t go back, but I’m glad we tried it.

Tank Garage winery
1020 Foothill Blvd.
Calistoga, CA
(707) 942-8265
T-Th 10 AM - 5 PM
F-M 10 AM - 6 PM

A day in the Napa Valley: W. J. Guigni Grocery Co. Deli

The best sandwiches in the world

I don’t remember when I first discovered Guigni’s Deli in St. Helena, but it was certainly over three decades ago. At that time, the Napa Valley was a paradise for a young like ourselves, short on money but seeking fun and relaxation. Wine tastings were mostly free and abundant. Of course, we needed food to absorb all that wine and Guigni’s Deli became our place to go for lunch. We loved the sandwiches so much ,that I think only one visit to Napa over these three decades, have we skipped lunch there. So when Mike suggested he wanted to spend his birthday in Napa Valley, I knew we would start our day by having lunch at Guigni’s.

It had been many years since our last visit, and the place has changed a bit. There seem to be fewer items for sale cluttering the store – it’s now more of a deli than a grocery. The bathroom behind the dining room in the back was also locked. The deli was also much less busy than we remembered it to be, though we did go pretty early.

What had not changed was the assembly line type of ordering. You should start by selecting your drinks and anything else you want to buy before going to the counter. Then you select and order your meat and cheese behind the meat/cheese counter, move to the right and select and order your bread, your veggies and your condiments, and finally move on to the cashier and pay for the whole thing.

You can then sit at one of the two tables by the front windows or go to the small dining room in the back. Of course, you can also take the food to go and have your own picnic at whichever winery allows you to do so (many no longer do).

As we were early, we were able to grab one of the window tables, which made the experience much more pleasant.

Mike started with a deviled egg, and I was reminded that it was at this deli that I learned about deviled eggs in the first place. I don’t like eggs myself (unless they are made into a dessert), and deviled eggs were not part of my upbringing. Mike was quite pleased, as in the past.

I will admit that, as is my custom, I considered ordering something other than a roast beef sandwich – just for novelty’s sake. But I couldn’t make myself do it. Since that first, amazing roast beef sandwich decades ago, that’s all I’ve ever had at Guigni’s and how could I change now? So I went with the roast beef and Muenster in a soft sourdough bun, standard condiments (including their Guigni juice dressing), tomatoes and added an avocado ($2.50, they use half in the sandwich). My sandwich was large and delicious. Days later, I’m still dreaming about it. It was soooooo good. Really, they have the best sandwiches ever.

Mike also got a roast beef sandwich, but he had his with the standard veggies and dressings, save for tomatoes. He chose brie as his cheese, and loved the whole thing. I took a bite but it was too overwhelming with sprouts for my taste. To each their own.

Mike didn’t get a receipt, but I think the sandwiches were about $15. Not cheap, but totally worth it.

Guigni's Deli
1227 Main St
St Helena, CA
M-Th 9 AM - 3 PM
F-Su 9 AM - 4 PM
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