I just came back from Grocery Outlet with a beautiful glass bottle of Himalaya Pink Salt. According to the bottle, Himalaya Pink salt, a product of Pakistan, was originally “formed from marine fossil deposits over 250 million years ago”. The rock salt tastes like salt to me, but I’m not a salt connoisseur. Still, for $3, I thought it was worth it. If nothing else, the bottle is nice.

The salt is distributed by La Collina Toscana, an Italian company. It doesn’t expire until 2015 (though, really, if it’s 250 million years old I’m sure it’ll hold for a few more years).  In addition to this salt, the GO in San Leandro had gray salt from Brittany, and three herb mixes: Herbes de Provence (though this mix didn’t contain lavender and other typical ingredients), a Tuscan herb mix and another Italian herb mix.  All are $3.