In the year 2,000 I moved to a new home and started a new project: cooking food from all over the world alphabetically. At first, I'd meant to only cover country cuisines, but as I
looked into each cuisine more deeply, I discovered ethnic and regional cuisines that I wanted to try as well. The results is that after 22 years of cooking, I'm only in my tenth letter of the alphabet, not even half way through.
Still, I have enjoyed this project and will continue until I can no longer cook.
The following are the cuisines I have explored organized by region. Determining what culinary regions are, and in which region any cuisine falls, is by no means an easy task. Any designation I chose was based on culinary relationships and not political identity. I am sure I've made mistakes which I might correct as I add new cuisines to the list.
Cuisines by Alphabetical Order | All Recipes